Saturday, August 2, 2008

Do I need another purse?

At SCS they inspiration challenge today was a ETSY shop that has the neatest purses! I have fought with myself all day about buying the purse I used for inspiration on this card, lol. So far, I have succeeded, so far...hahaha!

Here is what my card is based on:

Pink Lemonade Bags

OMG I soooo love this purse!! Wish I could sew, I'd make me one, lol!

And here is my card:

Card Details:
Stamps: PTI"S Quilters Samplers Sentiments
Papers: All PTI
Accessories: CB die flowers, scor-pal, piercing tool and pad, buttons and brad from M's by MM's I believe.

I havent been very active making cards lately. My dog, Freckles, I have had to take to the vet 2 times in the last 2 days. She is getting old is what they keep telling me. Right now she has CHF (congestive heart failure) and now a heart murmur. They keep telling me its cause she is getting old and all they can do is treat it. She is breathing maybe a bit better today, but its been really hard on me, she's my baby. I raised her from before her eyes where opened. Somebody had dumped her and 3 other puppies out on the side of the road in a box. I took her in and found homes for the other ones...they were so small they had to be bottle fed, eyes werent even open and noses still had pink on them. I got her about the same time I lost my Mom to cancer, in the year 2000, so it was giving me something to focus on. Sooo, yea I am a bit attached, lol. Can't stand to see her in distress in anyway. She isnt in pain, she is still eating, greeting us, wagging her tail, just a little slower. ANYways, didnt mean to bring anybody down, just explaining why I havent been in a card making mood...I get over it though, I'm sure!

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Looks a lot like the bag. Very nice!
    Love the colors.

  2. Very nice card,,,I am trying to decide if I need one of those purses too. They are just lovely!
    Sorry about your dog Freckles...

  3. Very cute card as usual! So sorry to hear about your doggie. They are like our children aren't they and it isn't any easier when they get sick. Hang in there!

  4. {{hugs}} Cat! sorry to hear about your baby, it is NEVER easy watching a pet suffer. My DMIL lost her Kenzie to CHF 2 years ago; it was hard on ALL of us to see her start to slow down-we all adored her. Didn't mean to bum you out, but you take all the time you need off from your cards so you can LOVE on your baby. We will still be here waiting for you!!

  5. oh, I forgot to say I LOVE your card! looks just like that adorable purse

  6. I love your card, Cat! Those papers are so lovely together! I'm glad you mentioned that Freckles is doing better in today's post... warm wishes sent your way!


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)