Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pinch me...

Do you see it over there on the left?? Woohoo! I am so excited to be picked as one of Gina K's 'In the Spotlight' Designers for the month of October! I scared my dog to death when I got the email from Gina with my holler! haha! Everybody that visits my blog KNOWS how much I love Gina K stamps, so its an honor to do this to me. I hope I do her stamps justice, lol! And congrats to my Friend LEE!! Who was also picked for the month of October too! You can visit Lee's site HERE!. I have been about to bust with the news...but Gina's email reminding me to 'shhhh' .... thought I should do that, rofl! Ok, I will be back down off cloud 9 soon and post a card, lol!

p.s. And some more news too!


  1. Congratulations! WOWZA! You so totally deserve it. ~chris

  2. Congrats, Cathy! You totally deserve this! You've worked hard for it! So excited for you!

  3. OH MY GOSH! I am soooooo excited for you! What an honor...and it's so well deserved! You go girl! :-)

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Don't ask me why, because I don't know either, but I am getting goose bumps reading your news. I don't think Gina and her team would have been able to pick a better person to put in the spotlight first.

  5. OMG! YOU ROCK!!! I'm so happy for you and proud of you! All those amazing Gina K. creations paid off HUGE! Look at you go! How spectacular! I'm just thrilled! And of course you will do her justice--sharing your talent is a wonderful thing and I'm so happy to see that you'll get to work with Gina and her primo team! She truly is the best!!! :) hugs and have a fabulous day, Cat! xoxo

  6. CONGRATS!!!
    This is so cool:)

  7. WhooHooo!!!!! Congrats, Cathy!!!

    I'm so happy you won!

  8. Oh My!!!! Congrats! You are one lucky gal this week!

  9. Congrats, congrats and I've been waiting to make the announcement too..........was that ever hard to keep a secret, eh????? LOL

  10. Congratulations! You deserve it!!!

  11. congratulations!!! Welcome to the team!

  12. Congrats for being "in the spotlight"!! :-D
    I couldn't agree more with Gina's choices to start off this new venue!!♥


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)