Thursday, September 4, 2008

So sorry, no card today..

Today would have been my Mother's 75th birthday and its always kinda of a down day for me. So took the day off from card making. I was going to make her a card this year, just to honor her birthday, but then just didnt have the ...mojo I'd guess you would call it. She died of bone cancer in 2000, and was a really hard thing to go through. She was diagnosed, and given 3 months to live and it was almost to the day...but anyways....cancer is an awful, horrible beast and needs to be wiped out...too many have been so affected by this disease in one way or another.

Ill be back tomorrow with a card! And I'm fine! Just a bit bummed today is all! hugsss

p.s. Love ya Kelli, know she on your mind today too (that be my sis...)


  1. {{{hugs Cat}} I am so sad for you; I know what this feeling is like as my mom died of lung cancer (diagnosis on the 18th and dead on the 26th). You will always have this empty space in your heart but it does get a little easier to cope with after time. Cancer steals and it sucks so remember to cherish your time with your loved ones

  2. You just take some time and remember the good times. Hugs and prayers headed your way! ~chris

  3. I know it's hard for you. My mom died of ovarian cancer 28 years ago. I STILL think of her every day, but especially on her birthday. {{{HUGS}}} to you and Kelli. :)

  4. Sorry about your mama Cat! I lost my mommy too to cancer. What a horrible thing. At least feel better that she didn't suffer for too long, unlike some of them do.
    Take care.xx Anna

  5. {{HUGS}} to you Cat! Sorry to hear about your Mom. I know its a hard thing to deal with, especially the reminders like birthdays and holidays. I lost my dad about eleven years ago and its still hard to deal with. Thinking about you!!!

  6. ((((((((((((((Cat)))))))))))))


  7. ((((((((CAT)))))))))) I'm so sorry!! I'm here if there's ever anything I can do!!!


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)