Sunday, September 14, 2008

Stamp Simply Challenge

I played along this week with Sharon's Stamp Simply Challenge at No Time To Stamp called 'Cuddle with Tammy'. Here is my card:

Really a simple card, mostly using punches on this card is all. I did color a bit on the quilt patterns. But that was the point right? Simplicity!

We survived Ike, yay! Got pretty nasty here for about 4 hours, and lots of tree limbs to clean up today. I was thinking, it was that bad this far inland that I am, I cannot imagine being right on the gulf with it. My brother in Houston said it lasted for about 9 hours, howling winds and stuff banging into house...they slept maybe an hour that night. They have been one of the lucky ones and got the electric back on now though, so they ok now. Ok, off to enjoy the rest of this beautiful Sunday morning! Isnt it strange how VIBRANT everything looks after a storm? well, it does to me anyways, lol.

Card Details:
Stamps: Quilters Sampler and Sentiments from PTI
Papers: SU! cardstock
Accessories: heart brad, ribbon (red is from PTI), checked from Ms, silver rhinestones from M's, paper piercing tool and pad, dimensionals, nesties

p.s. Oh, if you scroll down a bit, over on the left hand side is an updated picture of forewarned, its a BAD needs dying and cut, sunlight hitting me making me look like I'm bald on one side of my head (according to my sister)...I HATE and I mean HATE pictures of myself. I have never ever taken a good picture. But I wanted to let everyone see the 'real' me....I'm just not one of the beautiful people of the world, but I do have a beautiful soul, and you will see THAT if you are my friend...


  1. This is so pretty Cat!! It reflects Tammy's style so well.
    Have a great day!!

  2. What a beautiful card, Cathy! I love your quilted heart - what a great idea. The red really pops against the rest of your card. I'm glad you and your family weathered the hurricane... thanks for letting us know!

  3. Oh gosh this card is just beautiful!!!! I love that warm quilty sentiment too!!! Okay, now I LOVE your photo!!! But I know whatcha mean........the camera when it's pointed at me is NOT my friend!!! LOL My hair needs some more color in it 'bout I come visit and we'll both just spend a day at the salon!!! LOL yeah.........I know........but it's fun to dream!!!! ;)

  4. I can't even imagine what it was like for your brother or you. Thank God you are all okay. Thanks for noting that. Your card is just really very pretty. The quilted look and such pretty colors too.

  5. I love that card! So glad to hear you weathered the storm. I hate having my picture taken too. I tell myself though that I want my grandchildren to remember me and I know that they love me no matter what I look like. I think you look great! ~chris

  6. Beautiful card! I like the way you stamped the sentiment with a pop of red at the end, and great ribbon, too!

    I think it is a great picture, especially love the sign. Add me to the list that needs some color attention paid to the hair! I am waiting for mine to finish falling out after the baby and then I will highlight again...if I have any left! :o)

  7. This card is beautiful! Finally getting around to my backed up blog hopping.

    LOL! Love your picture, especially the sign is really cute. I should get my current one up may be after I dye my hair :-)

    I am considering working at Micheals or Archivers for a couple of hours on the weekends, so I can get the employee discount.

  8. btw I felt Ike's fury here in St.Louis yesterday. It rained so hard the creek behind our house was flowing outside its boundaries. Our house is on higher ground, so the water was only in the back yard. Glad you guys survived the fury without any damage.

  9. So happy to hear that you are alright! Your card is cute and that set is in the mail for me!!! Your card is getting me all excited!

  10. Thank goodness you are all ok and weathered the storms down there!
    Your card is gorgeous as always and my dear...I love your picture! You truly are one of the most beautiful people I know!
    Big hugs!!!

  11. this card is just lovely! you DO have a beautiful soul!

  12. Cat~
    I absolutely love this card!! I hope you go back and check for new comments because you've posted some other things since this one. Congratulations on being chosen as a Guest Designer for Gina!! That's actually how I found your blog and loved what I saw, so you're now on my Feeds list!! Thanks for sharing your talents and creations! Can I be your friend!!!


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)