Thursday, October 30, 2008

2 Sketches For you sketch challenge...

It's been awhile since I played with Kazan and Laura's sketch challenges but all the halloween-ness and me having this stamp set since it first came out and I hadnt even inked it up, got me going! Here is a pic of the sketch you are to use:

And here is my card:

I think I used about every image in this stamp set, except for the kitty and the star thingy, lol! Lot of popping up images on this card! I used my Tim Holtz Grunge board that I had picked up at Hobby Lobby when they first got them here, that's the swirly thing. That stuff is pretty cool I think! Chipboard bugs me cause I guess I'm too rough with it, always bend it and makes it look ugly, lol. And this takes a roughing up and still looks good!

Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a wonderful Thursday!
Card Details:
Stamps: Hocus Pocus from Whipper Snapper Designs by Anna Wright (LOVE her stuff!! got to get them chickens!) spider web from Unity Stamp Co, Trick or Treat Peeps
Papers: K&Company dp, SU! cardstock
Accessories: brads, ribbon, rectangle nesties, corner rounder punch, grungeboard, pop dots and foam squares, koh-i-noor pencils with OMS, gold leaf pen


  1. fantastic take on the sketch and I love that your grungeboard too..MR TH is wonderful

  2. What a great sketch! I love what you did with it, the colors are perfect with these stamps. Nice chipboard too!

  3. What a fun sketch. I like the swirly part.

  4. This one made me smile - super cute, bright fun card Cat - we missed you - glad you could play along with us this week
    ;) Kazan

  5. Cat, this is awesome! That stamp is so wickedly cute! Love your coloring.

  6. Wow Cat!!!! It's awesome!! I love that swirly piece!!

  7. Cat this is such a great card!! Lots of things to look at!!

  8. What a wonderful card. I love the mix of papers and embellies.

  9. This is hte cutest card ever!!! I love those images!

  10. I swear I don't know how I overlooked your blog for so long. I missed Halloween! I love that Those feet with the hat! Its too spooooky cute!


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)