Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I made this to shut my sister up..

Also made for the color challenge at SCS today too! My sister keeps bringing up that I have all this SU! stuff and never use it...I do too, cardstock alll the time. LOL! But this is a totally SU! card. Except for the dimensional tape I used on it. So, there ya go Kelli! (and she NEVER hardly comments on my cards! Some sister huh???)haha!

And I have questions for anybody that uses a light box to take your pictures in...if you have the time, email me! I think I have got the wrong kind of box or something...orrr it's the new camera I havent figured out yet, lol! But the light box I got is this one:

My Light Shed

well, they call it a 'shed' here. Anyways...only if you have time and I will write back with my questions!

Hope everybody having a wonderful Tuesday. Wet, cold and yucky here. I see a few fine snowflakes mixed in out my window, but only about 35 degrees so it wont stick.


  1. What else but elegance personified!!! How beautiful and lovely.....Perfect with the stickpin and the that beautiful little brad at the bottom too!

  2. Your blog title is too funny. I barely use my SU stamps anymore, either. I am so loving all my Gina K and Unity, and can't wait to try others. I only order paper and ink from SU now.

    Love this gorgeous card. Great detail with the stick pin. Beautiful!

  3. absolutely gorgeous card !!!!!!!great extra touches!!!!!!tfs:)

  4. Cat How are you? This card is absolutely gorgeous!! Your sister will love it!

  5. Wow, beautiful design, Cat! I really like this one.

  6. Guess Whooooooooooo, it's your sister...finally!
    I LOVE the card,it's very pretty, the colors, everything.

    Now get busy making more cards from your HUGE SU! stash.


  7. Ahhhh.....I see the sistah Kellie appeared? Too funny!

    I don't have ANY SU! supplies, but I think I NEED the stickpin stuff. I LOVE that! Great card, Cat!

  8. That is gorgeous Cat!!!! I too tend to "forget" about my SU stuff!! LOL

    I have a Lightbox......somewhat different than the one you showed, but I also use some small stand up bright lights dh got at Home Depot for the lighting.....so it's really bright!!! LOL


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)