Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Just letting everybody know...

..who CARES to know, lol, that I am still around. I guess you might have figured I kinda took a break from blogging. Just hectic time of year, as most know, and I took the time to try to organize my stuffs. Man oh man...thats a job and still not really done. But at least I know where everything is. Now if I can only get DH to leave it ALONE!! I am so upset with him...who throws a box away without looking to see what is in it first??? Well, my DH does. I was literally sick over it... I know my card making friends will understand when I tell you it was a box of cards I had made, mostly my Christmas ones...gone...in the trash..I cried tears over it...I know he didnt do it on purpose...but like I said..who throws away a box without looking at whats in it????...He is so in the doghouse for I dont know how long....


p.s. I hope to be back posting cards in the next few days, at least by Friday. I have been rushing trying to make a few more Christmas cards..and am really tired of them right now, lol.


  1. Oh, that is just too sad! I would have cried too!

    Merry Christmas to you!!

  2. Cat, thanks for checking in. So sorry your DH threw your cards away. I would have been so upset.

    Have a wonderful Christmas!!!

  3. I sure hope it's cold and damp in that doghouse! Yikes. Have a wonderful holiday! ~chris

  4. oh dear!!!! Does the doghouse has a chimney for Santa? : )

  5. oh {{hugs}} Cat! that makes me sad, I know you spent a lot of time doing that! What was he thinking!?! John knows enough to not touch ANYTHING in my stamp area! he wouldn't want my wrath

  6. I feel for you! I threw away a new stamp set once by accident!! Have a great Christmas and New Year!

  7. That is terrible...I would have cried too! It is a busy time of year and hard to stamp for fun when there are so many things going on. Have a Merry Christmas!

  8. OH NO Cat!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGosh I would have prolly had a nervous breakdown!!! I'm soooooo sorry my dear!!!! Big Huge HUGS!!! And I hope you can still have a wonderful holiday and family time!!!

  9. So sad about your box of C'mas cards, and sad too that DH is in the dog house right before Santa comes to visit tonight! :-)

    Cheer up...it's time to celebrate Christmas. And I hope you have a very merry one! {{{HUGS!}}}


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)