Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fall is so inspiring!

Fall is a very inspiring time of year to me....besides all of the wonderful colors of the trees and such, the air seems cleaner, and fresh, and cool...I always get 'Fall Fever' more so than Spring Fever! I CLEAN! LOL!

I decided to play along in the Tuesday Trigger over at Moxie Fab is my card I made:

And here is the inspiration picture:

I was totally inspired by the colors! Yummy Fall time colors...LOVE it! Our trees are just now starting to change here, so gorgeous! I cant wait till they REALLY get to changing the deep reds and oranges!

Ok, that's all for me today! Hope you are having a wonderfully creative week! Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away?? wow!
Card Details:
Stamps: A Year of Borders by Melanie Muenchinger, sentiment from Autumn Splendor STV kit both from Gina K Designs
Papers: All cardstock from Gina K Designs
Accessories: TH trinket pins, TH Distress Crackle Paint, twine, Cutter-bee Bug, copic markers, pop dots.


  1. LOVE the paint Cat!! This so pops and nice job on the Trigger :o)

  2. WOW..this is sooo beautiful. Loved it.

  3. I love the new GKD stamp, Cat...this is such a beautiful fall design!!!! Love the colors and how you used the twine!!!!

  4. Cat did it again! This card captures the fall colors beautifully. Our trees are almost all bare already, and I miss those autumn colors.

  5. the white backdrop on the leaf stamp is perfect! I love the shading you did on the leaves!

  6. Hi Cat! Love your take on the inspiration pic... Have a great day!

  7. Hey Cat! What a pretty approach to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  8. Love the year of borders stamps. They are so versatile.


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)