Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Gina K Designs Party Invitation Hop!!

Hey ya'll!! Yep, it's that time!! Time to wet your whistle a bit with a few sneak peeks!! :D

The Gina K. Design Team is excited to invite you to another fabulous Release Party!!! The party is tomorrow, Thursday, May 31 at 11:00 am Central Time in the Stamp TV Release Party Forum. Join us for Challenges, Contest Questions, Design Team Samples, Full Stamp Set Reveals and, of course, party chit chat!!! Everything will go "live" at 11:00 am Central in Gina's Store so there won't be any long wait to start shopping! Hope to see you there!

If you came from Carolina Buchting's blog, then you're right where you should be. If not, please go to Stamp TV where you will find a list of all those participating. Here's a sneak peek of one of the cards I will be sharing with you at the party:

Can't wait to show you the rest of it!! :D

Go to Deb Felt's blog, to continue the hop and see you at the party!

And by the way...did you hear??? It's gonna be PERFECTLY CLEAR around Gina K Designs now!! SOOoooo very excited about having this option with your Gina K Stamps now, aren't you??

That's all from me for now!! Hope to see you at the party tomorrow!
blog sig, yellow legal pad


  1. love this peek! i knew you'd make a red one for me! :)

  2. Nice peek and looking forward to seeing the whole card :)

  3. Gorgeous favorite flower by the way. And, love the color choice too. Thanks for sharing with me.

  4. I'm getting excited about the party too. Thanks for the peek...

  5. Oh, so pretty red! I need to see the rest now!

  6. So gorgeous! One of my favorite color combos!

  7. Is that a carnation?! LOVE it! Your coloring is amazing too, Cat!

  8. Love the coloring on these flowers! As you pointed out though, leaving them uncolored is just as spectacular. The card for your brother is very cool. I struggle with masculine cards, but this one is simple, yet very effective.


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)