Sunday, July 27, 2008

Busy weekend....

Well, not busy in card making, but family! All of my family, and I mean both brothers, the one sister, nephews, grand nephews...ALL of their birthdays fall in July! Soooo my brother and his family came in from Houston and we all got together for their birthday party. It was a blast, had water ballon fights (my nephews got me with a bucket of water actually), played horseshoes, THEY played volleyball...etc, etc, lol. All in 104 heat index, lol! So the bucket of water actually felt pretty good! So havent had a bit of time for stamping. After coming home, and taking shower all I wanted to do is sit in front of the AC! I got lots of pictures I need to upload and sort through too, but snapped this one in my house of grandson sitting in 'pee-paws' (isnt it funny how they come up with their OWN names to call you? I'm 'grammy') lap, his favorite place to be! What was so funny, I called his name, I said, 'Blake, look at grammy.' and he looks at me and automatically goes, 'Cheese!'. None of us have taught him to say that! It was too cute, lol.

(notice the red arrow pointing to heat gun in the background? I've been practicing heat and it just dont get along, lol! Besides from sucking my hair up into it, and having to give myself a quick trim on the ends, I even got a blister!)

Thanks for taking the time to stop by,and I promise and card and more pics later!


  1. HI Cat! What a fun weekend it sounds like you've had! What a little cutie patootie! And don't give up on heat embossing--it will get better and when you get the result you picture in mind, it'll be all worth it! :) sorry for your boo boo, though..I had a heck of a time with mine for a while--i just stayed away, but when I got the hang of it, I embossed everything in sight, hehe! Hugs! can't wait to see your next card!

  2. okay he is seriously one of the cutest little guys i have ever seen. besides my own of course haha.

  3. what a cutie he is! I love heat embossing, hopefully you get the hang of it (and put your hair up next time!)

  4. Awww.....what a little cutie pie!!!! Sounds like a house full of family and fun!!!! I hear you about embossing.....sometimes it's smooth sailing and no issue, and other times......well, it's.......ummmmmm........interesting!!!! LOL

  5. Awww, he's so cute! He looks like Holli in this picture--his smile and eyes.
    ROFL--you got your hair sucked up in the heat gun?1?


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)