Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sprinkle on me!

I wish I had one of these sprinklers today, I'd just sit out in the backyard and let it sprinkle on me, lol! Something is wrong with our AC, not cooling like it should. I KNOW its been extremely hot (temp 102, heat index of 106 today) BUT it should not be almost 84 degrees in my house. It's still tolerable, with a fan, and you dont move much, but if it quits working completely...lord help We got a guy coming out tomorrow to look at it, didnt want to pay extra for a weekend service call, lol!

This is the card I made today. My way of thinking was to do something to THINK COOL! LOL! I dont have any winter stamps yet, so did the sprinkler. I also did this for 2 challenges at SCS. One, a sketch challenge by Faith in the Gina K forum and the other a color challenge of one of the Dirty Girls (Carole, yay she loves bright colors like me!)

(so sorry about the shadows on this card, was loosing my sunshine lighting)

Card Details:
Stamps: Kindred Kids 'Summer Fun' and Kindred Greetings from Gina K Designs
Papers: All SU! cardstock
Accessories: CB swiss dots embossing folder, CB die for tag, photo punch, copic markers, spica glitter pens, water splats (I forgot who by , bought at LSS), circle nesties, pop dots, brad

Thanks for stopping by! Going to take my 3rd bath of the day now....hahaha! (our shower has this mist thing on it, OMG so nice.....)


  1. What a great card! Those splats are perfect! Great watercoloring too!

  2. What a cute card. Love that image.
    Hard to create when you are hot right?

  3. what a cute card! love the water splats-PERFECT! hope your A/C is up & running soon!

  4. That is a PERfect image for that bright color combo!!! Your coloring is so wonderful!!

  5. This is way cute and I adore the water splashes! AWesome job Cat!


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)