Friday, July 18, 2008

Tag! Your IT!

Ok, taking a short break from some card thought I'd do this for now....My first time to be tagged, woot!

I was tagged by Donna Serenity in Stamping

1. I was in the band in high school, got a full 4 year scholarship to University of TX but didnt go because my Dad was in bad health at the time. I played the Clarinet.

2. I look at the world in a different way than most...I almost lost my eyesight about 8 years ago, lost most of my peripheral vision, I'm about 20% above legally blind level. I can see just fine straight ahead of me, with glasses of course, lol, but this is one reason I do not like to drive...can't see the crazies coming up beside me, lol. But this was a life altering experience for me, I laugh often and alot now and see the world as a beautiful place that all should enjoy, and be thankful for each day that you wake up and SEE the light.

3. I have one daughter that is 24yrs old that has one son, my one and only grandbaby whom I think is the most special, wonderful thing. Should have grandbabies first, haha!

4. I have no little toenail on either little toe.

5. I have 2 older brothers and one little sister.

6. I have only been lived outside of this small town I was raised in for 6months in of my life...back when me and DH first got together I moved to AZ with him for those 6 months, was miserable the whole time, missed my family wayyy too much, especially my little sister for some strange reason.

7. I used to teach Sunday School class but got upset with the preacher of the church and quit going to that church.

Ok, well that was kinda hard, lol. I thought I would come up with all kinds of weird stuff about me...well, some I dont think I should share, might scare everybody away, lmao, j/k! I'm really not THAT weird...*puts eyeball back in head* bwahahahaha!

Ok, back to the wonderful new stamps...loving them! So many ideas I think my brain might overload. My problem is having all the right stuff to work with, like on Monday, thats when my SU! order will be here from my sister...yay! Card later that I have finished! (noooo not one of Mel's new release ones, I know better than THAT! LOL!)

(wow, was I ever long winded there...)

P.s. Ok, I broke the rules a bit...I really dont know 7 blogging folks that I feel comfortable enough to tag (Donna you would be one but since you have already done it, I cant do you, lol )...I dont want to make them feel obligated to have to do it or


  1. Wow! that was some heavy stuff, but it probably feels good to get out. I don't think you would scare anyone away! It's good to get to know a few more things about you, that was the whole point of the tag. I sure have a better appreciation for all your awesome creations with your limited eyesight & sure glad you didn't lose it!! I'm glad you moved back to be closer to your family & I'd sure love to see a picture of your grandson!

  2. Hi Cat!!! It's nice to "meet" you thru Donna and Mel's blogs!!! You have some gorgeous creations.......and some very interesting facts!!! I don't think you're weird at all!!! Well, that may because I'm a bit on the odd and crazy side myself!!!! LOL Your little grandbaby sounds adorable!! My kids are teenagers and I'm hoping to enjoy cute lil grandbabies someday........but not quite yet!!!


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)