Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yes, I made cards today..

But none I can post right now, lol. I made a few for a design team call (which I know I probably wont get, and I sat there with the email all prepared, backed out of it, rewrote it, backed out again...rewrote one last time and hit send real quick, ROFL!}

Got something SUPER FANTASTIC in the mail today!! So been really busy with that. I love cutting out new rubbah...the smell, the feel...oh so fun, lol. As I'm cutting out new stamps, I always get all these ideas running through my head, I have a notepad sitting by me to jot it down as I think of it, or I will forget it...I'm like Dora in Finding So it always takes me forever to cut out a new set!

(and see I had something else I wanted to write but done forgot now....I'm sure it was something super fun and interesting that all would want to read...hahaha!)

Thanks for stopping by and I apologize for not having a card today...I will tomorrow for sure!

P.S. OH!! I remember what it was! My SU! order I ordered from my sister is IN!! YAY! She did it as a demonstrator thingy I guess and had it all shipped to her, and she's going to send my stuff to me tomorrow via UPS...omg I cannot wait. GOOD cardstock, different colors of ink to play with...I ordered almost *coughtoomuchcough* worth of stuff, lol.

1 comment:

Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)