Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Whats black and white....?

And READ all over?  haha!  Hi Y'all!  Glad you stopped by today!  I sure wish my posts were read all over, lol! 

I was at Hobby Lobby and checking out all their clearance stuff.  I found a pencil set and purchased it for $1.75, dont know what the regular price was, but this was cheap so got it!  LOL!  Soooo I played around with the pencils and decided to do a little pictorial for ya!  Hope you enjoy!

I have used the Stippled Flowers stamp set from Gina K. Designs.  This is to show how I color using pencils and I'm using one of the leaf images from the set.  First, I stamped the leaf image onto some Gina K. 120 lb white base weight cardstock and used Memento Tuxedo Black:

Here is a picture of the pencils I used...the bottom being the lightest shade and its the one I used first:

4H, F, 5B, 8B...going from lightest to darkest from the bottom up.

Here I have used the 4H pencil, and using a very light touch to do so:

I think that is one thing that is important, using a light touch.  Because you can always go back over to make it a deeper shade.

Next, used the F pencil:

Not much difference here, but using a light touch once again to gradually build up the depth

Here I have added the 5B pencil.  It's alot darker!

And last but not least, added some of the 8B:

Mostly I added this color at the bottom of the leaf.  Another thing that I do, I make sure to follow the lines of the stamp when coloring too.

Now, I usually use a paper blending stump, just dry, no gamasol.  But I couldnt find mine, got tired of searching some brought out the big gun!
I take it and just blend the differnt shades of pencils I have laid down on the image:

Dont worry about getting out of line.  We gonna fix that here in just  a sec!  :D

Sooo next, the eraser!  And would you believe, I can't find my Tombow Mono Sand Eraser?!  Yea, you would, lol! Sooo, I used a pencil eraser!

I kinda hold the pencil at an angle and will even erase of the edges of the image I have colored to add a hightlight area on the image.

See?  no need to worry about getting out of line on this way of coloring, lol!  

Here is  a picture of the flower that I did with this same method:

I used a white gel pen to add the little white dots in the middle of the flower.  But everything else is colored just as shown above. 

And here is the finished card:

I used Dr. Ph Martin's Bombay inks to do a bit of splatter.  I was orginally inspired by the challenge on StampTV this month that Sheri is hosting, to make a card using black and white and one other 'pop' of color and a bow.  Well, I think mine wont 'qualify' because of the 'gray' tones the coloring with the different pencils.  LOL!  But still, that was what inspired this! 

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  Hoping I gave you some tips that might help you in your b/w coloring!  :D




  1. So beautiful and love the black and white design.

  2. Who would have thought that black and white would look so good with coloring!

  3. Hi Cat, I read your post all over, LOL! Your card is just stunning sweetheart. I do have one tip for you. You should spray your coloring with a fixative. It will keep it from smugging. The type of pencils you used are excellent, but easily prone to smearing as the lead is very soft. Your coloring is brilliant! Don't stop! Hugs Lori

  4. The flower is gorgeous in gray. Thanks for the great tutorial.

  5. This is FABULOUS!!!! I love the look of all the pencil shades, who knew you could do that with pencil? Thanks for the inspiration, my dear!! You never disappoint!

  6. Black and white are so lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  7. stunning..... came down from Your window frame card and was curious!


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)