Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Gina K. Designs July 2018 Hot Summer Release, Part 2, Day 2!!

Hey Y'all!!

Welcome to our 2nd day of our July release, part 2!  So glad to see ya!  :D  Today, we have two sets that we want to showcase for you!  One being the long anticipated Autumn Wreath Builder set!  And a gorgeous new incentive set!  usual, be sure and leave comments on all of the blogs for you chance to win a $50 gift certificate!  We will be pulling one from all of the comments for each day, total of TWO winners (per day) The winners will be announced in the Big News Forum on StampTV a few days after the hop!

Ok, so up first is the Autumn Wreath Builder setset.   AND The Templates are now available to purchase by them selves! 

 Here is what I have done for you today with this set:

 I was going for a sunflower look!  I used the larger (little ha!) flower then stamped with the smaller one in the middle.  I cut the circle out and attached to some sweet corn cardstock.  I love sunflowers and I really like how this turned out!  :D  And one more with this set:

I didnt use the template on this one, just stamped around the edges to make a 'frame' for the sentiment.  Added some little orange resin dots to the 'berry area of the stamp and stamped a row of pumpkins and cut one out and TA-DA!  Super fun!  Oh the possibilities of this set!  IF someone was to ask me that was just getting started I'd suggest buying all of the Wreath builder sets and the templates!  Because you will have endless possibilities for your cards! 

Ok, next is the new incentive, Peaceful Roses

Here is my card for today with this set:

I stamped my roses on a paper sack and then did a faux burned edges on the sack.  I decided then to color the roses with a grey and a white pencil.  I love this sentiment in this...so sadly needed sometimes, right? 

Ok, thats all from me for today!  Here ya go for more awesome eye candy, my fellow DT!!

Thanks once again for stopping by!  Your comments mean so much! It really makes  my day!  :D  Have a wonderfully creative day!



  1. Love your cards especially your take on sunflowers!

  2. You creative thing you! These are absolutely beautiful and creative! I am loving that last one with the incentive set! <3

  3. I really like the square frame you made!

  4. I love the resin berries. I am so excited about this stamp set!

  5. All wonderful creations. You are so creative, I never would have thought of using both flower stamps to create the little sunflowers and certainly not stamping on a paper sack!

  6. The burnt edges is something that is so unique. I love it.

  7. Especially like the rose card-very pretty coloring!

  8. Your sunflower wreath came out so nice! I love it.
    I also love the square wreath, which is so different.
    The rose card is my fave, however. I just love the
    faux burnt look and the gorgeous coloring.

  9. How lovely is your set of cards !! My favourite are the wreaths ones. For some reason, that’s a design I love so much and that new set is awesome !! Thanks for sharing your beautiful work !

  10. OH sweet corn and sunflowers just go hand in hand. Yours makes my heart sing.

  11. A square wreath - awesome! Love your samples!

  12. All wonderful cards, I just love the wreath builder. Need to play more to get my cards to come out better. thank you for sharing

  13. The sunflower wreath looks beautiful! I really like the frame you made. Then stamping on a paper bag!--such a neat idea. Thanks for sharing these wonderful cards!

  14. I'm loving all these cards! Simply beautiful Cat!

  15. I love the ideas for the Wreath Builder!

  16. Beautiful cards. Thank you for sharing

  17. I love each of the cards posted for today. I love the wreath builder technique!

  18. Didn’t know you could do a square wreath. I’ll have to give it a try.

  19. Cute wreath cards and beautiful rose card.

  20. Great cards! All are lovely! What clever use of a paper bag!

  21. Love your work Cat.....you always surprise me with using colors that I would never have thought of....thank you so much for sharing your lovely cards and talent....hugs

  22. Love the cards - so many ideas! The roses card is my kind of card - simple but very elegant! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Such beautiful cards! Thanks for the inspiration.

  24. You never disappoint Cat. All your creations are special.

  25. The Peaceful Roses set is gorgeous. The more I see the wreath builder templates, the more convinced I am that I "need" them.

  26. I always enjoy your unique use of materials. Lovely cards!

  27. I love your sunflower wreath. I am so happy I ordered it!

  28. Just amazing love the shabby chic.

  29. As always, your cards are creative and a delight to the eye.

  30. Great new stamps! I especially love your paper bag roses!

  31. Great cards! My favorite is the first one with the sunflower wreath.

  32. All are so well designed and beautiful! I love the Fall designs you did.

  33. I like the way you used the wreath builder to make it square!

  34. Fabulous cards. My fave is the sunflower wreath.

  35. Very nice cards! Love the Sunflower with the wreath builder set.

  36. All of your cards are just delicious. I can’t get over your beautiful work

  37. Love the rose card and the square wreath. So different and creative.

  38. What gorgeous cards. I love how you created the sunflowers. I also really like the burned bag technique. Your coloring is wonderful.

  39. I love Sunflowers too! All of your cards are wonderful!

  40. Love all the wreath builder card.

  41. The frames are wonderful - especially the
    second. Looks like something done with
    a needle, rather than ink.
    thanks for sharing some wonderful cards

  42. Love the dots on your second wreathe card! I also love how you colored the roses on your rose card! Beautiful cards!

  43. You have great taste in colors. I think this is so pretty!

  44. All of your cards are beautiful! I love what you did with the wreath builder set, but your card on the brown bag is so awesome and creative. Gorgeous coloring. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents with us!

  45. What a beautiful card. On a paper sack. Would not have thought of that. Thank you

  46. Such beautiful cards. Love the Autumn wreath.
    Thanks for sharing...

  47. AWWW these are very nice cards! I especially am loving the top card! The Fall wreath is absolutely beautiful on it!!

  48. These cards are so pretty! I love the whitewash look of the roses, too. I would never have thought of burning the edges of a paper bag either! Keep inspiring such creative ideas - I can't wait to see what comes next!

    DJ Jones

  49. wow! the rose with the vintage feel is gorgeous ...masterpiece

  50. Beautiful cards, Cat! I love the Sunflower design you created on your first card!

  51. LOVE that square frame you made! Wish we could figure out how to have a template to do that! LOL Lovely cards! Thanks for the inspiration!

  52. Delightful cards--I especially like this peaceful rose image!!!

  53. Absolutely love both of your cards made with the Autumn Wreath Builder set (I love sunflowers too), and your Peaceful Roses card is beautifully. Love that you stamped it on a paper sack.

  54. Wow! Beautiful! Great stamp sets. Love the Autumn wreath builder.
    Thanks for sharing.

  55. Gorgeous cards! I love the Autumn Wreath Builder set... so many possibilities!

  56. I love my wreath builder and seeing fun, new ideas for it!

  57. Love your cards.
    Have blessed day!

  58. Lovely cards! Beautiful layers and dimension. Gorgeous!

  59. I really love the square card. I can't wait to try this. Thank you for sharing.

  60. Beautiful cards! I can't wait for mm "Autumn Wreath Builder" to arrive. I plan to use that stamp set to make all my Thanksgiving cards this year. Your cards are a great inspiration.

  61. Beautiful cards! I love your wishing you peace card - stunning!

  62. so many possibilities for the fall wreath builder!

  63. Beautiful cards! I especially like the second wreath as a frame instead of a wreath. Great inspiration!

  64. love your cards - they are so creative:)

  65. Love your cards Cat! I especially like the first one, with the sunflower look.

  66. Love the frame you created for your fall card.

  67. Gorgeous cards! Especially enjoyed the rustic one.

  68. Cat, love all your cards, you always do a wonderful job of showcasing the sets!

  69. Loved your cards, thanks so much for sharing your amazing talent with us.

  70. Not one, not two but three fabulous creations and all so pretty and all so different!

  71. Beautiful cards using the set that has caught my eye. The Autumn wreath builder. Plus using white and gray pencils on the peace card is stunning.


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)