Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Gina K Designs January Blog Hop Inspiration Blog hop Day 3!!!

Welcome!  Glad you stopped by for our last day of the Release Blog Hop!

Welcome to day 3 of our Gina K. Designs first release of the new year!  We have some awesome sets this month by our illustrators AND  new kit too!  So very excited to share with you!  As always, be sure and leave a comment as you blog hop along for your chance to win a $25.00 Gift Certificate from Gina K. Designs!  There will be THREE winners, one from each day! You can check the Big News Forum on StampTV a few days after the hops to see if you are a winner!

For today, we have the brand new StampTV kit, Hearts and Flowers!

Hearts and Flowers StampTV kit

This set...omg!  I am in love with everything about it!  And just in time for that Valentine you might want to make a card for!  ;)  Here is a card I created with this set that I gave a sneak peek on Instagram:

I made this card's background with water colors and then water colored the flower to match.  I heat embossed the flowes with white embossing powder first.  And trying to use some of the HUGE amount of sequins I thought I had to have, lol!  This flower is so fun to color though!

And another card I made using this set:

For this card I created the music paper myself, couldnt find any free online like I wanted.  Then stamped the little hearts, guitar and the sentiment with versamark and then heat embossed with a turquoise embossing powder.  That sentiment is flat out awesome!  LOVE that especially!  I can truly say I can say that to my hubby.  We will be celebrating our 36th wedding anniversay on the 22nd!  It does not seem like its been that long...but we do have a 34 yr. old daughter to show for it, lol!

Up next we have the new Incentive stamp (it's free with $75 orders!).  It's called, You Get Me:

ok, yes, you are seeing this card twice.  lol!  I forgot this was the card I made to go with the incentive stamp set that I combined with Claires new Geo Thanks set.  *redfaced*  BUT, dont this saying just fit those feathers?  LOVE love love every single sentiment of this set.  So many I will be sending  cards made from this set to!  :D

Ok, thats all from me for today!  I hope along the way I have inspired a few of you!  :D

You should have came from Beth Silaika's Blog to mine and your next stop will be Claire Brennan's Blog!  If you get lost on the way, you can always click to Gina's blog and she will have the list up for you too!

Here is the list of my fellow GKD design team!  I 'm sure they have some awesome eye candy for you! Cant wait to see for myself too!

Gina K- Introducing the new Hearts & Flowers StampTV Kit and the new You Get Me incentive set

Thanks sooo very much for stopping by these last 3 days!  I hope to be posting more this  year, not just at releases!  I miss!

Here is a card I showed at the release using the kit

 A funny...I had a friend/fan tell me that my hearts looked like those fancy decorated cookies!  I said, yep, they look like my cookies I cook, burnt on the edges!  LOL!

Have a wonderfully creative day! 


  1. Awesome cards Cat. I love how you created your own music paper and used the tiny heart for the notes. What a perfect anniversary card - Happy Anniversary.

  2. I am just blown away my your creativity, Cat.

  3. The versatility in your cards never ceases to amaze me! How do you come up with such wonderful ideas?

  4. Just LOVE your music card, and all the others (that feathers card with the Tribe saying - I think it might be my favorite of the whole hop!). Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us!

  5. It is such fun to see the beautiful sets shown by such talented artists! Thank you for sharing. Cant pick a favorite! Diana O

  6. Great inspiration! I really like your guitar card. The music notes are so cute!! Congratulations on your upcoming milestone anniversary.

  7. Wonderful cards. They are great.

  8. Great cards and each one so unique...great job! Can't wait for my set.

  9. Gorgeous cards! Happy Anniversary!

  10. Awesome cards! Love that saying also! - say it to my hubby also! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Your cards are always fun but your words are a hoot too.

  12. Your cards are always so creative. My favorite is with the orange background with the beautiful flowers on it, but I'm partial to flowers anyway.

  13. Happy Anniversary! 36 years! May you enjoy 36 more!! Yup I agree that sentiment sure fits the feathers card. I would eat those fancy decorated cookies. Frosting can fix anything!!

  14. Gorgeous! Hands down the guitar is my favourite, I love the little hearts music notes:)

  15. Great cards. I love how you created your own music background paper!

  16. Love these cards and the new release is fabulous!

  17. All the cards you made are so amazingly wonderful. Great inspiration!

  18. I love all your pretty cards. I think my fav is the first one with the watercolor background, it's such a happy color palette. I also thought that your last card looked like decorated cookies, yum!

  19. Wow, Cat your cards never fail to wow me - thanks for sharing

  20. Such unique cards. Fantastic release.

  21. Your cards are fabulous, especially love the "love songs" card.

  22. I love all your cards. My favorite is the feather. That vellum is an amazing touch.

  23. Happy Anniversary Cat. Love the cards you make and thanks for all your hard work on our behalf.

  24. Your cards are always great, Cat, and these are no exception! I especially like the first one with the bright, sunny colors! Made me think of spring!

  25. Your cards are always so creative and lovely! This release is fantastic, as are your cards!

  26. Awesome creation with this new release!

  27. Great cards, Cat! Love that guitar card!

  28. Love your cards, especially the first one! Thanks for the inspiration!

  29. I think the music paper is my favorite. I love to create my own backgrounds.

  30. These are fabulous! Loving those gorgeous hearts and your fab guitar card!! Favor... do you think you could re-design your music with the heart notes for Gina K to put up in her freebie section or on your website for us?!! Love it!!

  31. So many beautiful stamps. Love the cards you made.

  32. I super live your backgrounds and the style of your cards. Very nice work

  33. great cards! Love the pink and Kraft heart card.

  34. Wonderful cards! I love the heart notes - so cute!!!

  35. Great cards. Thanks so much for sharing...

  36. Great cards! I especially like the first one - such beautiful colors!

  37. These creations are fantastic !

  38. Your designs are delightful. One of a kind. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Love those hearts! And, the one with the guitar...oh, my! Great job!

  40. i adore the love songs sentiment!

  41. Wow! That music sheet card is just outstanding. Love it.

  42. Fabulous designs, I really like the paper that you made.

  43. Wonderful cards. my fave is the one with the guitar. I like the music background you created.

  44. Each one of these are so beautiful. Love the colors and your designs

  45. Love your anniversary card and the paper you created. Your heart "cookies" are sweet. Happy Anniversary.

  46. Great cards. So bright ands cheerful.

  47. Thank you for the ideas. The guitar on the music paper is my favorite

  48. Fantastic blog hop with such wonderful cards.

  49. Don't you just love that guitar ? Loved the cards!

  50. These are amazing...I really love this sentiment set! New to GK so I am in heaven looking at these.

  51. Your musical card has my heart, love what you did with the guitar! aLL GREAT CARDS!

  52. Your hearts do look like fancy cookies, beautiful card!

  53. The cards are great. I love the cat card.


Thanks Y'all! Truly, the comments make my day! Y'all come back now too ya here?! (yes, I really do say that all the time and I MEAN it!)