Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July! Gina K Designs Special Blog Hop

Hey y'all!! Welcome to a special little hop that some of us DT from Gina K Designs and the CSS group have put together for you today! Hope you enjoy!

Welcome to this special July 4 Gina K. Designs Hop!!!! Some of the Design Team and the Center Stage Spotlight Team have some fun cards and projects to share with a patriotic theme and flair!!! And Gina has a special sale incentive too!!! Check out these 2 new Duos:

Harvest of Memories and Unforgettable

From Thursday, July 4 thru Sunday, July 7
Orders of $25.00 or more get Harvest of Memories
Orders of $50.00 or more get Harvest of Memories and Unforgettable.

Arent those two duos just awesome?! I just LOVE all the duos that Gina comes out with! And how fun to be able to get them free!! :D

And for our hop today I have made a few patriotic cards for you....I am VERY patriotic and LOVE getting a chance to celebrate the good ole US of A's birthday!! We were also to use some older Gina K Design sets!

This first card is dedicated to a couple of my family, my brother-in-law Todd Cummings...he has served in the Air Force for over 20 years duty and then Reserves. And also dedicating to a brand spanking new soldier, my great nephew, Corey Brazile...he is now a US Marine! We all are so very proud of Corey! What a decision to make as such a young age....I still think of him as a small boy!! LOL! Ok, enough of my is my card:

This card has ALOT going on with it, lol! First, the background was created by using some patriotic papers, layers one by cutting out and laying at different angles. Then i applied Gesso over all of it and then sponged to give an aged look. The Stamp I used is from the set Masculine Tags and was stamped 3 times...cut out using several different areas of the stamp to layer it. I also popped it up and made like a little pocket to create a spot from some tags. Here is a pic of the tags:

and a close up of the 'courageous' charm I added. I also embossed this with gold embossing powder:

ALL soldiers, no matter what country you are from, are VERY Courageous to me!!

And I also made a few quick cards...

I will be sparkly and glittery all week after making this card! haha! Me and glitter...well, thats another story for another day, lol! BUT, I AM trying to get over my fear of it! :D

And one more:

This is the card that got my hands very inky! I used distress inks to stain the red and blue doilies, getting it ALL over me because it didnt try very quick, lol! I had to zap it with my heat gun to dry it good. But this is suppose to look like the buntings or swags that you see around least that was what I was going for, lol!

Ok, ready for more awesome eye candy!?? Here ya go! I cant wait to hop myself!!

Come hop along for some Patriotic inspiration to help kick off your Fourth Of July festivities!!!















Melissa C.




Thanks sooo much for stopping by today and joining in our celebrating the birthday of our country! Even if you arent from the USA, hug a soldier today!! Tell them how much you appreciate them!! :D
blog sig, yellow legal pad
Card Details:
Card #1:
Stamps: Masculine Tags, American Made both from Gina K Designs
Papers: Gina K cardstocks, DP is Tim Holtz Seasonal line
Accessories: distress inks, gesso, glue stick, pop dots, seam binding ribbons, Sizzix embossing folder, gold embossing powder, versamark ink, eyelets, clothes dress pin, '4' card from Tim Holtz, clear embossing powders, file metal tag (cut the back off to lay flat) burlap and felt star Naturals burlap sticker, sponge tool.
Card #2:
Stamps: Calendar Bits and Pieces and Perfect Pennants both from Gina K Designs
Papers: Gina K cardstocks
Accessories: Distress ink, scor-tape, star punch, emboss resist number by Tim Holtz, pop dots.
Card #3
Stamps: Stars and Perfect Pennants from Gina K
Papers: Gina K cardstocks
Accessories: distress inks, paper doilies, bakers twine, glue dots, pop dots.


Karen (TLgirl353) said...

These are all amazing Cat! Happy 4th!

Unknown said...

YOWZA!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like a ton of work paid off, that first project is A~M~A~Z~I~N~G!!! The other two ain't so shabby either. Love all the sparkle on your Flag card and the "doily bunting" on your last one, clever!!!! Truly spectacular creations, Cat! And I agree, ALL soldiers, near and far, are VERY Courageous! TFS!

Allie Gower said...

Gorgeous creations. A special thank you to all the service folk in your family. We can not enjoy our freedom without the sacrifice of others.

Stunning card. I love all the projects and tips you shared. So much eye candy.

A safe and happy 4th to you and your extended family.

Allie Gower said...

Gorgeous creations. A special thank you to all the service folk in your family. We can not enjoy our freedom without the sacrifice of others.

Stunning card. I love all the projects and tips you shared. So much eye candy.

A safe and happy 4th to you and your extended family.

Susan S said...

Great cards - all of them. So much work! Love them all.

Cheri said...

Love your cards and the honor you paid to your family service men, and others, Cat. Great idea to color those doilies to look like banners. You're so creative and inspiring.

Tricia said...

Very pretty cards! I like all the detail on the first one and the beautiful flag on the second!

CindyRomanDaversa said...

THUD! x 3!!! My jaw is still on the floor! Amazing cards! I ADORE them!

Sharon said...

Outstanding cards! That first one is so detailed and just gorgeous.

Linda said...

wow you been busy I love your amzming card. very nice.

Anonymous said...

Serious WOW factor Cat! Love them! Happy 4th of July! Hugs! Seanie

Verna Angerhofer said...

Cat, your work is magnificient. I love all the cards. And, the first one has so much going on with all those layers and tags. Really cool!

Vera said...

Love the bunting idea with the doilies! Thanks for the inspiration, and have a happy holiday!

Patti Rogers said...

I thought I was the only one glitter challenged. I wind up wearing more than is on my card. Your card is beautiful in any case. Thank you for sharing.

craftsbyreva said...

beautiful cards!

janet33234 said... your cards. Just perfect. Thanks for sharing.

Sharyn Polesel said...

My goodness, you are a patriotic gal! Love your cards, they are all really beautiful!

Mary Ann said...

WOW!Great cards!!!All are Very Pretty!!!

redwasher1 said...

Oh my word!!! Wow! your cards are fantastic!!! I love them. Happy 4th!!

stampqueen said...

Great bunch of cards!!!! I really love the first onebest - right down to the little burlap star - awesome!!!

Pat Jandacek said...

I like the way the first card depicts an aura of length and valor of service, and the glitzy stripes of the second is fresh for a new recruit. I knew the doilies were swag across the front of the card before I read your remarks - very neat, clever use of doilies! TFS

Gayle said...

Wonderful cards, and good luck to your nephew and thanks for his service to our country. Happy 4th of July.

Vicki Dutcher said...

WTG cat. Awesome cards. That glittered flg rocks. Have great holiday. I am in Florida with my sailor son. He is getting married tomorrow!'!

Theresa said...

Wow! Very impressive!!

Unknown said...

I Really enjoy seeing cards that celebrate our awesome country and all that it stands for, great job!!

Kitty said...

Your card is awesome. You are so very talented


NJMullins said...

These are all adorable!

Unknown said...

Great work! Thanks so much.

Kay S said...

Fabulous cards, Cat!! Wow! You really outdid yourself with these! Love the first card with all the special touches like the 'courageous' charm. My stepson is a soldier in Afghanistan right now, so I appreciate this card a lot.
The flag you made is really cool and I love the red' white and blue doilies on the third one.

Lori said...


motivatorjb said...


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