Do NOT ever, EVER say...what else can go wrong? cause according to Murphy's Law, IT WILL!! LOL! yes, I am still laughing about everything, its a good thing to have a sense of humor, lol.
I am going to take a bit of break, like I have been already, but just telling everybody now, lol. Just until the first of the year. (Gina K previews for the release is Jan 3rd!! you KNOW I'll be here for THAT!)
It all started with me leaving my billfold at a store I guess is what happened to it. A whole paycheck ....gone....we had just drawn it out of one account to put into our regular bank and stopped at ONE store before heading there...anyways...then my camera got sick...its back with the geek squad right now, they had to mail it off and it wont be back till after Christmas....ANYways, those are the main points of the Murphy's Law thing, lol! But we are fine, everything is gonna be fine, always is! I went with a friend the other night to put up a tree for some folks that are alot worse off than me, thats for sure! And OMG, the look on the little kids faces....seriously, I still get chills thinking about their faces! So reminds you the magic of Christmas in a child's eyes!
I might be posting a bit here and there between now and the 1st, but doubt if I have a card pick, and I have sooo many to share! I hope the holidays find you with your loved ones and not too hectic right now for you!